
The Regular and Short Call Abstract Submission Dates

Regular Abstracts Submissions Dates

Site Opens: September 13th, 2024

Site Closes: December 23rd, 2024 

Extension of submission deadline: December 23rd, 2024

Review Closes: January 30th, 2025

Notifications will be emailed on or before: February 2025


Short Call Abstract Submission Dates

Short Call Abstract Submission opening: March 10th, 2025

Short Call Abstract Submission deadline: March 31st, 2025

Review Closes:  April 21st, 2025

Notifications will be emailed on or before: April 28th, 2025


I – General Information

I – General Information

Please register on the congress website. No fees will be charged at this time. Payments can be made once the abstract's acceptance is confirmed (the registration fee in force on the date will be applied). The co-authors of the submitted abstract registering for the congress should not resubmit the abstract.

The deadline for abstract submission is  Monday, December 23rd, 2024.

All submissions must be in English and made exclusively through the official congress website. The submitting author is responsible for the accuracy of the abstract; any errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific content will be published exactly as submitted, if accepted. Abstracts with significant language issues may be rejected.

The abstract should be original, that is, not accepted for publication prior to submission.

Upon submitting your abstract, please state your preferred presentation modality: ORAL, POSTER, or NO PREFERENCE.

Notwithstanding the author’s preference, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to decide on the form of presentation (poster or oral); the latter as an oral presentation (10 minutes) or oral communication (3 minutes). This decision by the Scientific Committee is final, conclusive, and unappealing.

The submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author to present the abstract at Congress once accepted. However, if this is not possible for major reasons, a co-author who has registered for the event can present the abstract on the authors’ behalf. Nevertheless, if the abstract was selected for ORAL, the author should notify the congress organization of the changes.

By submitting an abstract, you affirm that you have made substantial personal contributions to the research presented therein.

By submitting an abstract, you commit to complying with all applicable local laws and ethical standards that govern human and animal research, including the need for prior approval by a Research Ethics Committee and/or an Animal Care and Use Committee. Abstracts should also meet all applicable international ethical standards.

For an abstract to be included in the final scientific program, the presenting author must register for congress as soon as possible upon notification of abstract acceptance.

If you wish to withdraw a submitted abstract, please contact the congress secretariat through the Help Desk menu before May 1st, 2025

To obtain a certificate for an abstract presented as an oral presentation, the first author (who must be the submitting author) must have personally presented the study at the event.

To obtain a certificate for an abstract presented as a poster, one of the listed authors must be registered for the congress and the abstract must be presented at the event.

There is no limit to the number of abstracts submitted by each author.
There is no limit of authors per submission.

II - Guidelines for abstract preparation

The title should be concise and descriptive of the study presented. The length of the title must not exceed 250 characters.

The body of the abstract should not exceed 300 words, including numbers and symbols (title, authorship, and affiliation are not included). Please list the authors in the desired order.

The abstract should be structured objectively and concisely, providing essential information under each heading: Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.

The abstract must include original work; those limited to literature reviews will not be accepted.

Case reports should be structured as follows: Case Presentation, Discussion, and Final Comments. Case reports are a valuable means of sharing experiences among professionals. Nevertheless, the Scientific Committee advises that only reports that document an uncommon or exceptional course or result of a prevalent or rare condition that holds scientific or clinical significance should be submitted. Case reports lacking clear originality and relevance sufficient to justify their presentation, may not be accepted.

The institution where the research was conducted,as well as the names of the authors, should not be mentioned in the body of the text. Names can be entered online in designated areas during the submission process.

Abstracts must be text only for online submission; graphs or tables are not allowed,  although such resources may be used in the presentations.

Bibliographic references should not be included.

Abstracts containing statements such as "results will be presented" or "data will be analyzed" will not be considered. The methods and results should be clearly described, and the conclusions should be based on the data presented. If an abstract refers to an ongoing study, the authors may present the preliminary results.

The authors should refrain from using abbreviations and acronyms. If any of these are used, they should be defined first.

Meta-analyses will be accepted as long as they follow established guidelines and demonstrate a rigorous methodological approach.

Submissions funded by the pharmaceutical industry must be clearly indicated in the relevant section of the electronic submission form.


III - Instructions for abstract submission

III - Instructions for abstract submission

1) The applicant must be included in the list of authors.

2) Please register for the event on the website. There are no fees at the time of registration and payments can be made after abstract acceptance has been confirmed.

3) Login to the restricted area (MY LOGIN) using the username and password chosen for registration. New menu options will be displayed.

4) Click on the [My Abstracts] menu.

5) Follow instructions on the screen to access the abstract submission form. Before final submission, all form fields must be completed.

6) Before submitting the abstract, please review it carefully. No corrections are possible after submission.

7) Choose the subject area and topic of the abstract (see below).

1. Basic

2. Clinical

3. Cancer

8) Choose your preferred presentation modality: ORAL*, POSTER, or NO PREFERENCE.

*Oral presentations and Oral communications are reserved for original, important thyroid-related studies.

9) Once you have submitted your abstracts, click on [Log out].

10) After submitting the abstract, you will receive an email confirming your submission and the information provided.

11) If you do not receive this automatic email acknowledging your submission on the same day, the abstract may not have been correctly submitted. In this case, log back to the event website via the MY ACCOUNT menu and click on the Help Desk menu to report the problem. Please remember checking your SPAM box before doing so.

12) If any information provided is incorrect, please contact the Help Desk to report the problem.

13) If you cannot remember your login information, click on “Remember Password?” at the top of the homepage.



Endocrine Disruptors and Thyroid Function

Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid Axis



Iodine Deficiency

Nonthyroidal Illness Syndrome (NTIS)  

Thyroid and Covid-19

Thyroid and Pediatric Disease

Thyroid and Pregnancy

Thyroid and Reproduction

Thyroid Physiology

Thyroid Autoimmunity

Thyroid Cancer Basic

Thyroid Cancer Clinical

Thyroid Cell Biology

Thyroid Epidemiology

Thyroid Genetics

Thyroid Hormone Action

Thyroid Hormone Metabolism

Thyroid Nodule

Thyroid Surgery

IV - Instructions for Abstracts accepted for Oral Presentation


V - Instructions for Abstracts accepted for Oral Communication


VI - Instructions for Abstracts accepted for Poster Presentation


VII– Publication


Archives of Endocrinology and Metabolism (ISSN 2359-3997)

VIII- Certificates

After Congress, certificates of the abstracts accepted for presentation will be available to the submitting author on the congress website (conditional on the author’s attendance at the event). To print or download the PDF file, you must access the "Certificates" menu on the congress homepage, enter your registered email, and complete the "Satisfaction Survey."

Please note that the certificates will not be sent directly by email.

One certificate will be issued with the title of the abstract in the approved modality, and the names of all authors registered at the time of submission.

A second certificate will be issued with the title of the abstract, the approved modality, and the name of the presenter alone.

At least one of the authors must have registered and attended the event to receive a certificate. 


  • AOTA will provide 20,000 USD (2,000 USD for 10 travel grants, as their countries are the furthest away from Brazil).
  • ATA will provide at least 15,000 USD for travel grants.
  • ETA will provide at least 15,000 USD for travel grants.
  • LATS will provided 15,000 USD for travel grants.


Travel Grants Award grants are assigned to young investigators (age criteria may apply according to each Society), members of one of the sister societies who are the first authors of either oral or poster presentations at the International Thyroid Congress 2025. Scientific merit, that is, the average score of the accepted abstract, will be used to select the awardees.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Applicants must be current ATA, AOTA, ETA, or LATS members in good standing.
  • Applicants must be authors  and  presenters of an abstract at the International Thyroid Congress 2025.

Announcement: Travel grant information will be announced on the Congress’ website. The travel grant will be paid after the meeting.

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